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Our Story

Who we Are

Creole 2 Geaux, Columbus Ohio, specializes in Authentic New Orleans Cuisine.


 Home of the Creole bowl, which is an unique ettoufee that can be customized to fit your style as well as, is the best shrimp Po boy you’ll find in Ohio.


For a taste of the south and a dose of southern hospitality, check out Creole 2 Geaux Today.

Image by Alfonso Rodríguez

Who is chef Janvièr

Janvier Ward was born and raised in Columbus Ohio, but got her southern influence from her mother who was raised by a New Orleans native.


Creole 2 Geaux was born out of the love Chef Janvièr has for her mother and Grandmother Cleo. These two taught her her many recipes which inspire her to create many of the creative dishes that you see today.

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